Lynnea Jeung
Bishop Museum
Brand Identity, Generative Design, 
Experimental Installation

Tried+True Brand Strategy, Packaging Design 
Kinship Place
Hospitality Branding
Meyers Manx
Identity Rebrand, Interactive Installation

Momentum Brand Identity, Packaging 
Blueprints for a Green World
Research, Publication 


Pressed JuiceryAdditional projects available upon request. 

Lenny Kravitz x Pressed Juicery
In collaboration to celebrate Lenny Kravitz’s Blue Electric Light album.
Limited edition release, sold out collection.

Original Label
New Label

Digital & Print

NABI$ Film Pitch DeckCommisioned by actress Nicole Kang to develop the visual selling story. 

ExperimentsA Collection of Past Projects 


LACMA: The Making of Exhibitions
Personal project completed while interning at LACMA to summarize my learnings.

Aspect Ratios of Cinema The short project involved creating infographics to showcase aspect ratios in a captivating manner. 
I chose to blend humor and unconventional visuals in using cake and a quirky family portrait as metaphors. 

An Investigation of Sauces
I chose to personally investigate all the sauces in my kitchen. 
This infographic series of posters focuses on their origin and uses, drawing inspiration from grocery store ads. 

Sequential Design

Gonzo Girl: Podcast Teaser
Experimental Collaging
This story is about authentic, first hand experience. If you get your hands dirty, you become involved in something where the realities might compromise your principles. In the podcast, Cheryl describes how she had to go along with Hunter S. Thompson’s antics and made some questionable decisions. However in the end, she credits all her experiences with the writer as her learning to be fearless and the importance of being open to doing whatever, whenever.

In spirit of Gonzo girl high-energy journalism, I approached these storyboards using a mix of analog, with printing out and marking up the actual script to experimental methods. I then layered the analog and digital in Photoshop. This merge of the messy physical world and symbols represent the creative, relentless spirit of writing. 

Mood Board: Inspiration

Letterpress Prints

Partner: Minhyung Eom

This 14-week course taught me how working analog encouraged me to rethink typography, emphasizing intentionality in placement and process in a meticulous craft. 

3D Experiments

Form Explorations

I gained proficiency in using SolidWorks for both 3D printing and rendering, providing insight into how these forms influence packaging graphics, alongside an introduction to product design and the significance of various closures/functionalities.